Friday, August 5, 2011

Celebrating Our Lady of the Snows

Happy Feast Day of Our Lady of the Snows!

Yes, I know the day is generally commemorated as the Feast of the Dedication of St. Mary Major, but ever since I found about Our Lady of the Snows last year, I've preferred this title for the day.  Perhaps it is because today is my birthday and I like having a feast day for Our Lady on my birthday - even if it is an obscure one!

We celebrated the day by going to Mass and Adoration, then coming home and having a little snack and an activity.  I sliced some zucchini bread and set it before the kids, telling them the story of Our Lady of the Snows.  When we got to the part about the snow on Esquiline Hill in Rome, I offered them powdered sugar "snow" or cream cheese "snow" for their zucchini bread "Esquiline Hill".  Perhaps muffins would have been more hill-ish, but I was going with what I had!  They were charmed, and had a great time making it snow on their bread.  After we finished our snack and story, the children made and decorated snowflakes for our Jesse Tree Year Round and hung them.

I'm thinking about making these cookies this afternoon with the kids, but we'll see if I have the energy for it.  I also need to frost my birthday cake and make the kabobs for our BBQ tonight...  and I have to remember that I'm 8 1/2 months pregnant and do not have endless amounts of energy right now!