Mother Culture
This year I have been contemplating "Mother Culture". As Karen Andreola quotes, "Mothers should cultivate their souls so that in turn they may cultivate the souls of their children." I desperately need this, but yet it so very difficult to make the time for it. At the beginning of the year I started my own nature journal with a vow to update it at least weekly... but this summer that has tailed off to perhaps every other week. I try to steal away for little nature walks on my own, and that too has fallen away in the activities of summer. Handicrafts too are an infrequent companion as I try to plan the next school year, reorganize the study, take care of the house and garden, and try to do a few fun activities with the children.
When a dedicated, hard-working home teacher takes part in Mother Culture she safeguards her enthusiasm. She will be better able to cope with her responsibilities. To take part in Mother Culture is to feed herself with the Word of God, with ideas from books, nature, art, music, etc., taking care to keep growing spiritually and mentally. Karen Andreola, What Is Mother Culture?
I need to reclaim these moments of "Mother Culture" so I will be infused and ready to do the work set before me. I had hoped to steal away for a little nature walk and journaling today, but last night was a rough night with the 10 month old, so I wasn't up for it. But I did take a stroll around the garden with my camera, and I spent a lovely afternoon with my children on our extremely makeshift patio. I helped my six year old weave his first pot holder, chatted with my daughter, watched my 4 year old water our few patio plants, and tried mightily to keep the baby entertained. It was perhaps a bit chaotic at times, but still extremely rewarding to just be with my children, listening to them and enjoying them.
(As an aside, I see that Karen Andreola's CD on Mother Culture is on sale right now - $5.00, including domestic shipping. I am sending out my order tomorrow!)
Karen Andreola was always a favorite of mine when I was in the season of life that you are in now. I think she's a wise woman.