Saturday, February 15, 2014

Chesterton on the Media

"Busy editors cannot be expected to put on their posters, "Mr. Wilkinson Still Safe," or "Mr. Jones, of Worthing, Not Dead Yet." They cannot announce the happiness of mankind at all."  The Ball and the Cross (loc. 522)

I've been wanting to participate in this link-up for a few weeks now, and I'm so proud of myself for not only reading Chesterton this week, but having a quote to share and remembering to post it.  That's pretty good for me these days!  Thanks to Sarah at Amongst Lovely Things for hosting this!


  1. I love this quote! I haven't read any of Chesteron's fiction yet (that's next! I've got my eye on Father Brown!)

    I'd be much more inclined to watch the news myself if they DID report that Mr. Wilkinson was still safe, or that Mr. Jones wasn't yet dead. :) Kind of reminds me of my dear grandfather who, for the last decade of his long life, woke up every day and gleefully proclaimed, "I'm still here!" If only we all lived in such gratitude. :)

  2. I love that quote, and it is such a needed reminder in this Internet age. I feel as though I'm always reading about tragedies.....this person or that person or the the needs prayer because of this difficulty or that difficulty or the other difficulty. It's easy to give into anxiety and fear. We need to remember tha tmost of hte time Mr Wilkinson is still safe and Mr. Jones is still alive and happy things do occur.

  3. Hi, Amber!
    I really appreciate this thought of Chesterton's - I can't stand to read the news! Not only does it rarely transmit the best everyday wonderfulness of the world, but it gives me way more to deal with than my poor prayers can handle.

  4. I can't stand to watch the news either! I think it can make people very fear driven too, and it makes people be far too cautious in what they allow their children to do. After all, we will hear about every child who was kidnapped as they walked down the street or each child who was gravely injured falling out of a tree, not not about the thousand upon thousands who successfully walked to a friend's house or climbed to a nice perch in a tree.
